WVRC Intensive Care Unit

Our Intensive Care Units (ICU) are similar to ICUs found in human hospitals. All pets admitted to the ICU are closely monitored and continually assessed via a team approach with our ICU nursing staff, Criticalists, emergency clinicians and specialists using their clinical acumen and specialized skills to care for critically ill and injured pets. Our Criticalists work closely with the families of our most critically ill patients to coordinate the highest level of care while ensuring each step of the process is clearly communicated and understood by family members and caretakers alike. Management of ICU patients involves close, constant attention by a team of specially-trained pet health caregivers dedicated to providing compassionate care for seriously ill and injured pets 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
To properly care for and monitor pets in our Intensive Care Unit we use life-supporting technology and equipment including:
- O2 supply cages: Adjustable supply of oxygen for respiratory patients
- Breathing machines: Mechanical Ventilation for severe respiratory issues
- Cardiopulmonary monitors: Continuous ECG, Blood Pressure, Pulse-ox, EtCO2
- Point-of-care ultrasound: Daily evaluations of heart, lungs, effusions, bladder
- STAT bed-side blood tests: PCV/TS, Glucose, Lactate, Ketones, Blood Gas, Coagulation
- Intravenous (IV) medications and fluids delivered by specialized IV pumps
- Pain management assessments and provision of continuous drip IV pain relief
- Transfusions: Blood and Plasma administration and monitoring
- Feeding tubes: Nasogastric and E-tubes supplying critical nutrition
- Urinary catheters: Urine diversion and output recordings