Salt Toxicity in Dogs
While your dog is playing at the beach, does he/she end up drinking a ton of ocean water? But how bad could that be, it’s just salt, right? Remember how if you’re stuck on a desert island, you can’t drink the ocean water. The same goes for dogs!
If your dog comes along with you for a beach day, here’s how to prevent salt poisoning and how to tell if they’ve ingested too much salt.
Salty Culprits
Pets (dogs in particular) can be exposed to excess salt from play at the beach, eating paintballs, eating Play-Doh, eating excess salty food, and sometimes due to owners intentionally giving their dogs salt to make them vomit.
Drinking Water
A thirsty dog drinks. They don’t always pay attention to what they’re drinking. And lots of salt can be ingested just from toys that get soaked in salt water that they squish and squeeze with their mouths.
Keep an eye on your dog’s water ingestion while at the beach and take them out of the water if it seems excessive. Always make fresh water available so they do not feel tempted to drink the sea water.
Symptoms of Salt Poisoning
If your dog shows ANY signs of distress or sickness after playing in salt water, we advise a vet visit to check sodium levels and provide hydration. Some clinical signs of salt poisoning are:
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Decreased appetite
- Lethargy
- Incoordination
- Excessive thirst or urination
- Tremors, seizures or coma
Salt ingestion can be fatal, and is much easier to treat when caught earlier. Provide lots of fresh water after their beach excursion, this will help keep them hydrated, and allow their bodies to rid themselves of the extra salt.
For more information on salt toxicity in dogs, check out the Pet Poison Helpline.